Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Distorted Truth

     A journalist's objective is to report facts on the ground so that it reaches the people. Any ethical journalist would never think of trying to distort whatever is going on on the ground. However, it seems that editors have seen that it is necessary to push their agenda's by taking part of a story and taking it out of context. It is a disgusting and cowardly act that can only be done by cons, pure and simple. The following photos are three representations, two lies and one truth, despite the fact that they are all the same photo.

     As you can see, the one on the left sows a US soldier pointing a gun at an unarmed Iraqi civilian, pushing the idea that the US soldiers are terrorizing innocent civilians. On the right, we have an American soldier giving water to an enemy soldier, giving the impression that the US soldiers are kind hearted and wish no harm upon anyone. But in the middle lies the real, full picture displaying the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
     This isn't a persuasive article to try to get you to like or dislike the US soldiers; the whole point is to illustrate that journalists and editors can be dishonest, even when presenting facts. Because half of a fact could be complete fiction; it is always better to show the compete truth, no matter how much you feel the urge to push your agenda. News isn't a political campaign, news is a compilation of full facts and nothing else.

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