Monday, May 7, 2012

Political Symbolism

     Symbols have been very influential images throughout history in art, archeology, and astrology; but perhaps they stand out most in the political arena. From left to right, parties usually choose the most significant symbol that would appeal to their audience. These symbols are never just for the sake of design or art, but rather give an overview on the values and beliefs that the party represents. Let us look at a few symbols that various political parties use to promote their ideals.

The Hammer & Sickle of the Communist Party or Movement

     The Hammer and Sickle symbol has been used for decades by the various Communist movements throughout the world. Why? Simply because they are symbols that relate very strongly to the working class. The Hammer represents the factory workers, while the sickle represents the farmers. These two are the key base of Communism. Often, one would see a star above the hammer and sickle which represents the "Communist Utopia" described by Karl Marx; which is the utopia that the Communists would want to achieve.

The Fist & Star of the Revolutionary Socialists in Egypt

     The Fist is a symbol of resistance and revolution. These are very Communist and Socialist principles; and the fact that the fist is red and star is yellow makes the symbol even more obviously Communist/Socialist. It is interesting to see that unlike the hammer and sickle, this symbol appeals to the Communist idea rather than just the working class. The movement itself has been in opposition since its foundation, which makes the fist even more relevant to the supporters of resistance.

The Green Earth Symbol of the Green Party

     This symbol is very obviously aimed towards environmentalists. The color green represents nature and the globe represents the desire to spread environmentalism to the world.

The Red Rose of Prosperity: The Socialist International Party

     It's difficult to see this symbol as a socialist symbol. Aside from the color red, one does not see "typical" socialist symbolism here. But this symbol represents a more centrist socialism that aims to turn struggle into prosperity; which is seen through the rose growing out of the hand of a worker.

Flying Bird of the Liberal Democrats

     The flying bird almost always represents freedom in its purest forms. The liberal democrats are supporters of both individual and economic freedoms, which makes this symbol very appealing for those who believe in absolute freedom.

The Dollar Symbol of Capitalism

     This symbol relates to those who believe that pursuing profit is the key factor of life. Incorporating a dollar sign to a symbol is probably the best way to depict "perfect capitalism."

Muslim Brotherhood logo

The Quran and Two Swords of the Muslim Brotherhood

     One look at this symbol and it is very obviously a religious (Muslim) party. The two swords aiming upwards showing that the party is ready to defend its principles, and the Quran in the middle gives the party religious authority. The green background represents what is thought to be the color of Islam.

The Crown of the Monarch

     The crown in this symbol obviously refers to the monarch. But by looking closely, one could notice that this symbol was probably very important during the middle ages up to the 19th Century CE in Europe. This is because the crown has a cross on top, which gives the King (or Queen) more religious authority along with being the head of state.


     One should never assume that the symbol of a political party is merely a symbol for decoration or imagery; on the contrary, it is probably what most represents the ideals of that party. Whether leftists, centrists, or right-wing parties, symbols are very important to attract the desired base. This has been going on for centuries, and I predict that symbols will always tell a story about any political movement.

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